All articles from the Bad Screamer series As usual, modelling germanium transistor circuits can only go this far, what you actually get in reality can be different from the simulation. Also, this is about putting components into their unusual modes of functioning: getting a pleasant to the ear distortion can’t…
Tag: badscreamer
Bad Screamer: more gain
All articles from the Bad Screamer series This one is very similar to the Bad Screamer: adding a mid-boost version, the difference being the gain stage has a Darlington pair, increasing maximum available gain (by a lot). I made this modification thinking ahead about using the same schematic but with…
Bad Screamer: adding a mid-boost
All articles from the Bad Screamer series Thinking about this a little bit, there’s a way to act on the frequency response using a little more complex emitter negative feedback circuit. Did a bit of play with the sim and various values, I can create a mid bump this way…
Bad Screamer: soft clipping overdrive (with transistors)
All articles from the Bad Screamer series Working on a new circuit at this moment, it’s inspired by some existing guitar overdrive pedals. The main gain and overdrive stage is basically one slightly enhanced Proco RAT gain stage but with more potential gain and volume (instead of the RAT’s multiple…